Why Podcasts Are the Future of Kids’ Entertainment

Why Podcasts Are the Future of Kids’ Entertainment

Written by: Fort Sumpter


Time to read 5 min

There are more options than ever to keep our children entertained. When we were kids, it was a choice between reading a book, listening to the radio, or, if you were lucky, putting on the TV to watch whatever was on. Nowadays, there are countless streaming services: Disney, Prime, Netflix, and the list goes on. There are iPad games, apps, and so many choices that it can feel overwhelming. Decision fatigue as an adult is real—and it’s real for your children, too.

But beyond that, we’ve seen the impact screen time is having on our kids. We’ve all been there, trying to manage the overwhelming number of screens in our homes. From tablets to TVs, it can feel like there’s no escape. But here’s the thing: The more time our kids spend glued to those screens, the more it affects their well-being.

Studies have shown that after just one hour a day of screen time , kids start to experience a dip in their emotional and psychological health. They can become less curious, more distracted, and find it harder to make friends. And it doesn’t stop there. High screen use—seven or more hours a day—has been linked to serious concerns like anxiety, depression, and difficulty managing emotions. These kids are more likely to need help from mental health professionals, or even require medication.

Even moderate screen use, around four hours a day, can lead to lower overall well-being . The impact is especially noticeable in teenagers, who are more sensitive to the effects of screen time than younger children. By contrast, kids who use screens minimally (or not at all) tend to maintain a healthier emotional balance.

As moms, it’s crucial that we’re aware of these effects, and that we consider alternatives that engage our kids’ minds without the drawbacks of excessive screen time.

That’s where the magic of podcasts comes in: Offering screen-free storytelling that not only entertains our little ones but also supports their mental well-being.

Why Do We Believe Podcasts Are the Future of Kids' Entertainment?

Imaginative Play

Podcasts, without the visual aspect, let our children’s minds run wild. They foster creativity, imagination, and a sense of playfulness as kids visualize the stories in their heads. Unlike the passive consumption of video content, which can create a more zombie-like state, podcasts actively engage kids’ growing brains.

Creative Multitasking

Children’s podcasts allow kids to do other activities, like drawing or playing, while they listen. This multitasking enhances their motor skills, supports active learning, and keeps them entertained in a meaningful way. It’s not just about keeping them busy; it’s about enriching their minds.

Learning Through Storytelling

Storytelling is a powerful tool. When kids engage with the right stories, they can learn empathy, problem-solving, socio-emotional skills, and about diverse perspectives. A 2018 study highlighted how listening to stories can enhance children's cognitive and emotional development, supporting better focus, imagination, and comprehension skills. Podcasts aren’t just entertainment; they’re a chance for your child to develop important parts of their brain, helping set them up for success.


Guilt-Free Breaks

Let’s be real: As parents, we need breaks too. Breaks allow us to regulate our nervous systems, show up as the best version of ourselves for our kids, and be the calm presence they need. Podcasts give us those precious moments of peace, without the guilt that can come from sticking them in front of a screen. And there’s nothing wrong with taking that time for yourself.

Our Favorite Podcast Recommendations

The Adventures of Curiosity Cove

We may be biased, but our kids' podcast, The Adventures of Curiosity Cove , is a magical realm where endless adventures and original stories await! Created by Tika Sumpter and Nick Muscarella, it’s more than just entertainment. 

It's a space where imagination thrives, giving your children a chance to turn off the screens and dive into a world of storytelling magic. The podcast is anchored by our beloved Ella the Curious series, with storylines that help your child learn the social and emotional skills they’ll need to navigate life’s tougher moments.

In Curiosity Cove, you'll journey into the mysteries of space, discover what it means to be the light, and explore enchanting tales that ignite creativity and curiosity. Each story is a new adventure waiting to be told, making Curiosity Cove a haven for dreamers and explorers alike.

Purple Rocket

Purple Rocket is a podcast where young minds are invited to soar through space, explore new planets, and meet fascinating characters along the way. Perfect for kids who love adventure and learning about the universe, each episode is packed with excitement, creativity, and lessons that make science and space fun. It’s a great way to introduce your kids to the wonders of the cosmos while keeping them entertained and curious.

Stories Podcast

Stories Podcast offers a delightful mix of classic tales, original stories, and folk tales from around the world. Perfect for bedtime or any quiet moment, these stories are designed to captivate and soothe, helping kids wind down after a busy day. The variety of stories keeps things fresh, making sure there’s always something new for your kid to enjoy. It’s a wonderful way to end the day, fostering a love for storytelling and literature as part of a calming routine

Storytelling on Tap

So, there we have it: The reasons why kids' podcasts are the future of children's entertainment. They offer an enriching alternative to screen time, fostering imagination, active engagement, and emotional development. As moms, we want the best for our children, and podcasts are a guilt-free way to entertain and educate them while giving us those precious moments of peace we need.

But remember, not all content is created equal. Just like with visual entertainment, we’ve got to be selective about what we allow our kids to listen to. By choosing thoughtfully curated podcasts like The Adventures of Curiosity Cove, Purple Rocket, and Stories Podcast, you’re giving your child more than just entertainment—you’re offering them a world of learning, growth, and endless imagination.

Why not give it a try? Pop on a podcast, let your child’s imagination take flight, and enjoy the quiet moments that follow.

Fort Sumpter

Led by founder Tika Sumpter, at Fort Sumpter we aim to make every day easier for moms, allowing them to fill their own cups and feel valid in every facet of themselves, to better support those around them. We aim to inspire children through a world of story adventures, guiding them through the intricacies of everyday life. And we aim to provide a sense of community, showing that no-one has to go at life alone.